Going up the Hill - r1.0.1

Guten Abend, everyone! I'm Shadow, and today I can finally share this new release of ShadowChess with the world (after a bug which was only present in the web build of the game).

Regardless, this is a minor release, whose function was to provide QoL features missing from the previous iteration as well as reduce the size of the project overall.

What's in this new release? - you might ask. Well...

  • Assets are now 66% of their original size (they went from ~90 to 60 MB)
  • Added a turn indicator which should show whose turn it is right now
  • Game now saves user preferences (if you set something in settings, the game now remembers that)
  • The game now works on the web (though it does not look so pretty as on Desktop)
  • Improved Engine API (this will ease future development)
  • A secret game is now accessible and won't crash the project

That's all for today, and thank you for your attention.

Auf Wiedersehen!


ShadowChess Windows x86_64 70 MB
60 days ago
ShadowChess Linux x86_64 66 MB
60 days ago
ShadowChess Linux arm64 65 MB
60 days ago

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